ISS Current Information

ISS at:11/23/2024 4:16 AM EST
ISS Geocentric Lat:-34:09:02.3
ISS Geocentric Lon:12:08:57.5
ISS Elevation:264.0 Miles
Distance from Observer:6647.01 Miles
*ISS Range Velocity:2306.67 mph
ISS Altitude:-53:04:23.2
ISS RA:17:06:22.78
ISS DEC:-45:20:25.1

* ISS Range Velocity is the ISS velocity relative to its movement toward(-) or away(+) from the Observer's location.

Visible ISS Passes Next 5 Days

Start Time End Time Max Altitude Azimuth Constellation
11/23/2024 5:07 PM EST 11/23/2024 5:15 PM EST 37° Perseus
11/24/2024 5:57 PM EST 11/24/2024 6:04 PM EST 49° Auriga
11/25/2024 5:08 PM EST 11/25/2024 5:16 PM EST 43° Perseus
11/26/2024 5:57 PM EST 11/26/2024 6:05 PM EST 64° Auriga
11/27/2024 5:08 PM EST 11/27/2024 5:16 PM EST 55° Perseus